School Workshops
Fung has been an avid art educator for over two decades. Her students range from toddlers to professional adults. She has lectured at many international universities and festivals such as European University Cyprus (Cyprus), Pro Arts Gallery (U.S.A.), the Montreal International Animation Festival (Canada), University of Victoria (Canada), University of British Columbia (Canada), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong University School of Professional and Continuing Education and Hong Kong Public Libraries, and has previously taught at many schools such as the French International School, Singapore International School, the Harbour School, Independent Schools Foundation Academy and Nootka Elementary School (Vancouver, Canada.) She has collaborated with many organisations (Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation, Gowld Art Centre and more) to conduct visiting artist programmes at local and international schools.
(Translation: A sincere thank you to Michelle for her careful guidance of the students in the community art project. She led the students to paint with Chinese ink and mixed media on wooden boards, creating a series of Artificial Intelligence animals in the future world. Through creative work, students have a deeper understanding of the affected endangered species and how human activities pollute, affect and endanger the ecological environment of animals. The project enhances their environmental awareness and motivates them to make a contribution to the ecological environment and to reduce pollution.
It is a rare opportunity to exhibit the finished works in the Youth Square, especially during the epidemic. The poems and landscape painting designed by Michelle as the backdrop for students' works have opened the eyes of the students and benefited tremendously.)
Ms. Zeng,
Hong Kong Sheung Shui Government High School, 2021.